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Shepherdstown’s Quick Water Pipe Survey!

The Town of Shepherdstown needs a few minutes of your time today.

We are surveying town residents about the types of water pipes in their homes. Specifically, we need you to examine your home’s water pipes and complete our survey about the pipe materials. Please read the instructions below and complete the on-line survey.

An U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation requires the Shepherdstown Waterworks, and all other water utilities across the nation, to survey customers about the types of water pipes are in their home and whether any homes have lead pipes. This survey will help Shepherdstown meet the EPA requirements. It’s also helpful as we gather information for applying for infrastructure grants in the future!

Please see instructions below.

We Need Your Help Today

Following are the steps you should take to complete our survey.

What Types of Water Pipes are Inside Your Home?

Please complete our on-line survey to tell us the types/materials of the water pipes inside your home. Below are instructions for examining the pipes and determining their material.

Steps to Determine the Types / Materials of Water Pipes Inside Your Home

Items Needed: Key or coin, strong magnet.

  • Look for the water pipes around your home. Mostly visible in basements, crawl spaces, and utility rooms. If the pipes appear to be different, please test a few areas.
  • Use a key or coin to gently scratch the pipe like you would scratch a lottery ticket. If the pipe is painted, use sandpaper to expose the metal first.
  • Place the magnet on the pipe to see if it sticks to the pipe.

Helpful Tips for Determining the Types / Materials of the Pipes Inside your Home

If Your Pipe is made of COPPER:
The pipe may appear dull brown on the outside but will be the color of a bright penny if gently scratched. Magnet won’t stick.


If your Pipe is made of GALVANIZED Metal (Iron or Steel):
The scratched area will remain a dull gray after being scratched. Magnet will stick.


If Your Pipe is made of LEAD:
The pipe will appear dull and soft but will turn a shiny silver color when scratched. Magnet won’t stick.


If your Pipe is made of PLASTIC or PVC:

If the service line is blue, white or black, does not appear to be any of the other materials listed above, and a magnet will not stick to the surface, your service line is most likely plastic.


More Tips for Determining the Type/Material of the Water Pipes Inside your Home:


What Types of Water Pipes are Outside your Home?

This is the Pipe that Carries Water to Your

We are interested also in the material and the size of the pipes where it enters your home to carry town water from the water meter to your home.

Steps to Check the Water Pipe (Service Line) Outside Your Home

  • Same as for the pipes inside your home. Please, examine where the service line enters your home through the foundation. Usually in a basement or crawlspace. This also is the pipe that leads to your shut-off valve. This will allow you to determine what material the service line is made of:
    Copper, Galvanized Metal (iron or steel), Plastic (PVC), Lead, Other
  • Determine the line size where it enters your home: (pick one)
    ⅜ inch, ½ inch, ⅝ inch, ¾ inch, 1 inch, 1 ¼ inch, 1 ½ inch, 1 ¾ inch
  • Indicate whether your home was built or plumbed:
    Before 1988 or After 1988
  • Indicate whether you currently use any water treatment filters in your home:
    Yes or No
  • Indicate whether you would be willing to participate in Shepherdstown Water’s Lead and Copper sampling:
    Yes or No

Complete the survey on-line right now!

2024 Shepherdstown Water Pipe Survey